Making a Difference
St Leonard's Making a Difference
in Your Community
St Leonard's church has always had a place in the heart of the community. Being actively involved in village and community life is an important part of our mission. Just as Jesus took practical steps to love, help, heal and support all he embraced,
so we too try to organise ourselves to make sure our help is relevant and useful in today's changing world.
By following Jesus's example to love and help your neighbour, so we hope to make a positive difference within our village and community. Some examples of our activity in the community are highlighted below:
Please see Forthcoming Events for full details.
Warm Place operates on Wednesdays, commencing the 2nd October from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm in the winter months offerings soup, hot drinks and good company.
In the summer we provide a community hub called Open House from 10:00 am to 12:00.
Lenny's Memory Cafe is a recently created project, based at St Leonards, providing social and well being care for people with dementia and their carers, through music, simple games and a variety of activities. Lenny's will start on the 3rd of October. Initially it will operate on alternate Thursdays from 10.30am to 12.30pm
Basingstoke Night Light Winter Shelter a local charity supported by St. Leonard's, it will operate over the three months December – February. It will provide an evening meal and breakfast, and a night in a warm dry bed for up to 10 rough sleepers during the coldest months of year.
This is a project run by Christians from churches across Basingstoke at the request of the Basingstoke & Dean Borough Council to provide help to local homeless people.
Messy Church is held at the Community Hub in Sherfield Park on the second Friday of each month at 4.30 pm to 5.45 pm and caters for up to 25 children each month. Family fun, crafts, games and stories with picnic tea. All are welcome!.
Forest Outdoor Church. This will be outdoors, as the heading suggests, and aimed at young families and children. It will include informal worship and activities with a focus on nature such as listening to the sounds of nature, the patterns of nature, the colours of nature and developing our senses. More information will be available later.
St Leonard’s also supports Church Mission Society mission workers and other Christian charities.​​