Join a Team
Get Involved
We would love you to join one of our teams at St Leonard's. So whether you're interested in music, technology or making cakes we've something for you!
Please contact us at:

Welcome Team
A warm welcome from one of the Welcome Team is always assured at St Leonard's.

Children & Youth
Messy Church welcomes the whole family especially those with primary aged children. Our hardworking team need help in the kitchen and with crafts.

Worship & Choir
From organists to guitarists to singers we would love to hear from any musicians who would like to play contemporary worship songs in our small band.

A small but dedicated team of people clean our church every week. Making sure that it is always clean and shiny.

Celebrating God's creation, means decorating the church for festivals and a weekly floral display. Come and be creative especially at Christmas, Easter and Harvest.

Lenny's Memory Cafe
Our new venture is staffed by volunteers from the church and village. Come and join us! See Forthcoming Events for more details