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Monthly Reflection

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

(Isaiah 30:21)


We are now in the season of Epiphany and I am reflecting on journeys, inspired by the wise men who travelled and found Jesus. There are many stories in the Bible of people who travel, often with God and always from one place to another. Sometimes we are too focused on the destination and so we neglect what God is doing in us and amongst us on the way; perhaps we travel too quickly that we don’t notice things on the way. In this new year, there are many aspects of personal faith and church life to which we look forward, for which we plan and work towards. Let’s not miss what God is teaching us on the way; how God is forming us, where we are being guided, perhaps noticing something (or someone) it would be easy to pass by as we move on to the next task, meeting, service or whatever it is we are moving towards. And let’s not forget, the pace at which God moves (the God who is love), it is the speed of love, a slow speed, walking speed, as we follow the ’Three mile an hour God’, who invites us to walk alongside the one who is the Way.

Rev’d Mark Anderson

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